Hairprint is the first and only hair coloring product to be MADE SAFE™ certified. Why is this huge? Well, if you’ve been looking for a nontoxic hair coloring option, you might have noticed that the pickings are slim.
Hair dye is one of the most notoriously toxic products on the market, and can contain harmful chemicals like toluene (linked to liver damage, kidney damage, birth defects and pregnancy loss),[i] resorcinol (linked to organ system toxicity and hormone disruption),[ii] p-phenylenediamine (linked to skin sensitization and cancer),[iii] and lead acetate (linked to neurotoxicity).[iv] In fact, hair dyes can contain such toxic ingredients that the International Agency for Research on Cancer stated that with respect to hair dyes, “occupational exposures as a hairdresser or barber are probably carcinogenic to humans.”[v]

via MadeSafe
Enter Hairprint. Rather than a hair dye, Hairprint restores grey hair to its natural color. Yes, you read that right. And not only does it restore natural color, it restores the natural texture of hair. (We know, we’re in awe, too.)
The company worked with Dr. John Warner and the Warner Babcock Institute to innovate Hairprint using the latest green chemistry, a discipline which employs benign nontoxic molecules to achieve better results than synthetic chemicals.

via MadeSafe
The good news doesn’t stop there. All shampoos and conditioners by Hairprint have also received MADE SAFE certification. Many shampoos and conditioners can contain problematic fragrance ingredients, preservatives, and harsh chemicals that can strip hair of nutrients, or worse, harm our health. MADE SAFE certified Hairprint shampoos, conditioners, and Hair Color Restorer work as one system to restore hair to its natural sheen and softness.
Welcome to the green chemistry revolution. We’re glad you’re here.